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 Tutorial rezolvare Steam connection lost

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Mesaje : 286
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Data de inscriere : 24/12/2011
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Tutorial rezolvare Steam connection lost Empty
MesajSubiect: Tutorial rezolvare Steam connection lost   Tutorial rezolvare Steam connection lost Icon_minitimeMier Dec 28, 2011 9:43 am

Mai toata lumea are probleme cu acest mesaj dupa ce intra linistiti si se joaca un joc
dupa steam in special Counter-Strike.

Am intampinat si eu aceasta problema de curand, am incercat sa caut rezolvarea acesteia
pe suportul celor de la steampowered si asistenta celor de la Counter-Strike insa
in zadar, dar in sfarsit am inteles ca este un update facut de valve ce blocheaza intotdeauna
setmasterele si anumite ip`uri.

[RO] Va rog sa urmati pasii cu atentie.
[EN] Please follow the steps carefully.

[RO] Primul pas:
[EN] The first step:

[RO] - Inchideti aplicatia steam.
[EN] - Exit steam.

[RO] Al doilea pas:
[EN] The second step:

[RO] - Intrati in "Control Panel" si selectati "Security Center" astfel ajungeti in "Windows Security Center".
[EN] - Enter "Control Panel" and select "Security Center" so you get to "Windows Security Center".

[RO] - Intrati in "Automatic Updates" si selectati "Turn off Automatic Updates" dupa care apasati "Apply" apoi "Ok".
[EN] - Enter the "Automatic Updates" and select "Turn off Automatic Updates" then click "Apply" then "OK".

[RO] - Intrati in "Windows Firewall" unde bifati casuta "On (recommended)" apoi asigurati`va ca nu este bifata si casuta "Don't allow exceptions" dupa care apasati "Apply" apoi "Ok".
[EN] - Enter the "Windows Firewall" where tick the box "On (recommended)" then make sure the box "Don't not allow exceptions" is not tick then click "Apply" then "OK".

[RO] Al treilea pas:
[EN] The third step:

[RO] - Apasati click dreapta pe "MasterServers.vdf" cel colorat cu roz si selectati "Save link As" apoi apasati "Save" in folderul "config" din "C:\Program Files\Steam\config" daca va spune ca fisierul este existent deja salvati`l peste, el trebuie sa fie acolo.
[EN] - Right click on "MasterServers.vdf" the pink colored and select "Save link as" then click "Save" in the folder "Config" in "C:\Program Files\Steam\config" if you say that file is already existing save him over it, he should be there.


[RO] Acum s`au rezolvat problemele:
[EN] Now they have solved the problems:

"Steam connection lost"

"Client timed out while answering challenge.
---> Please make sure that you have opened the appropriate ports on any firewall you are connected behind.
---> See [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link] for help with firewall configuration"

================================================== =========================
->Update 03.05.2010<-
================================================== =========================

[RO] - Daca aveti in continuare probleme de actualizare a Steam`ului, va rugam sa iesiti din Steam, apoi stergeti urmatoarele fisiere din directorul Steam.
[EN] - If you continue to have problems updating Steam, please exit from Steam, and then delete the following files from your Steam directory.

C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.dll
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamUI.dll
C:\Program Files\Steam\ClientRegistry.Blob

[RO] - Daca aveti in continuare probleme cand jucati un joc, incercati sa utilizati optiunile de lansare "-nosound" si "-windowed".
[EN] - If you continue to have problems playing the games, try using the launch options "-nosound" and "-windowed".

[RO] Deschideti Steam`ul, apoi intrati la jocuri.
[RO] "Click dreapta" pe joc, click "Properties" apoi "Launch Options" unde adaugati "-nosound" si "-windowed" apoi selectati "Ok" si inchideti.

[EN] Open Steam, then Play games
[EN] "Right click" the Souce game, click "Properties" then "Launch Options" where add "-nosound" and "-windowed" then click "Ok" and close.

================================================== =========================
->Update 01.06.2010<-
================================================== =========================

[RO] - Treceti clientul "Friends" pe "Offline", in timp ce va jucati.
[EN] - Pass client "Friends" on "Offline", while you play.

[RO] Exemple ajutatoare
[EN] Helpful Examples

Autor: tzaka
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Tutorial rezolvare Steam connection lost

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